
Meet Emily!

Emily is a Registered Yoga Teacher and Registered Dietitian Nutritionist local to Portland, OR. She received her B.S in the science of Dietetics at Michigan State University and completed an alignment-based 200 hour yoga teacher training in Detroit , MI at Citizen Yoga.

Upon completing her dietetic internship, Emily realized health and wellness was about so much more than diets and exercise. Since then, she has grown her passion and love for the Intuitive Eating framework and weight-neutral healthcare. She has since completed multiple trainings, most significantly Evelyn Tribole’s Intuitive Eating Counselor program, to inform her practice.

She lives with her husband and two rescue pups. When she isn’t counseling or teaching, you can find her making her way through a massive stack of books, watching HBO, or playing tennis.

Follow her on Instagram @emilyraewellness.


Registered Yoga Teacher, 200 hour

Registered Prenatal Yoga Teacher

Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN)

Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor